Swift Winter Rowing Series at BSC
Bosham's first Swift regatta for the new season. Monearn, Nimrod and Lundy will be raced in this event, crewed by BSC rowers and we look forward to welcoming crews from around the harbour.
Please note that all timings after the first race are approximate.
08:15 Registration ( tea, coffee and pre ordered delicious sausage rolls, croissant and Bosham Sailing Club's famous homemade cakes)
08:40 Safety Briefing
Quad/Double Races
09:30 Mens Quad
09:40 Mens Double
10:15 Womens Quad
10:25 Mens Double
11:00 Womens Quad
11:15 Mixed Double
11:45 Womens Quad
12:00 Womens Double
12:15 Mixed Quad
12:30 Mixed Quad
Lundy Races
09:45 Mens Crew
10:15 Womens Crew
11:15 Mixed Crew
11:45 Mixed Crew
Prizegiving will follow as soon as possible after the last race. Our bar opens at 12:00.
Last updated 7:07pm on 7 November 2024