Anti-Bullying Policy
1. Statement
Bosham Sailing Club ('BSC', the 'Club') considers bullying of any kind unacceptable within activities under its direct remit and control. No one deserves to be a victim of bullying, and everybody has the right to be treated with respect.
This Policy provides a mechanism where a bullying accusation can be brought to the attention of nominated individuals who can investigate the situation and work with both the victim and the alleged bully to resolve the situation. This Policy applies to all visitors, members, instructors, coaches, volunteers, officials, competitors, event participants, employees and contractors.
2. Guidance
Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of another person or group by any means. Three key bullying behaviours are:
(a) It happens more than once and is ongoing over time.
(b) It is deliberate and intentional, not accidental.
(c) It is unfair/unequal in that the person(s) doing the bullying is/are stronger, or more numerous or they have a higher status or power within a group.
Bullying can be:
Bullying is often a call for help by the person showing bullying behaviours. They may need help both to learn different ways of behaving and to understand the reason that it is unacceptable. It is often symptomatic of other issues which they may need help with.
3. Signs and Symptoms
A victim's behaviour may offer indications or signs that they are being bullied. Everyone should be aware of these possible signs and that they should investigate or report if someone:
These signs and behaviours could indicate other problems, but bullying should be considered a possibility and should be investigated.
3. Implementation
If anyone suspects that bullying is taking place it is expected of them that they inform an appropriate person. This can be a Flag Officer, class captain, member of staff, instructor, or the club Welfare Officer. Informing an appropriate person that you suspect bullying when you have genuine grounds will not result in disciplinary action against you and the bully will not be informed of your identity without your consent.
The complaint can initially be made verbally, but parties should be prepared to provide all relevant details in writing, which wherever possible should include:
(a) name of alleged bully,
(b) nature of behaviour,
(c) date(s) and time(s) when harassment or bullying is alleged to have occurred,
(d) names of any witnesses,
(e) any action, if any, already taken by the complainant to stop the alleged harassment or bullying.
The person receiving the complaint will then follow the procedure laid down in the BSC Safeguarding Policy. The person who is alleged to be bullying will be asked to explain their behaviour and consider the consequences of it both to themselves and others. They may be asked to genuinely apologise. If possible, the parties will be reconciled. If incidents take place at sailing events, hearings under Rule 2 or Rule 69 may take place.
The Club reserves the right under its Articles of Association, Byelaws, contracts of employment and terms and conditions to take disciplinary measures against any person practicing any form of bullying in breach of this Policy.
The responsibility for the implementation of this Policy belongs to the Flag Officers of the Club, who shall keep the Policy under regular review and reserve the right to amend the policy and procedure as necessary to meet any change in requirements or legislation.
If you have a question, complaint or issue associated with this Policy, please contact the Commodore via email, or any Flag Officer.
Updated March 2024
Next review March 2027
Last updated 15:13 on 18 December 2024