Bosham Sailing Club is committed to minimising its impact on the environment and to helping protect our harbour by working together with other clubs and organisations.
What have we achieved so far?
Environmental Policy
Our commitment is outlined in our Environmental Policy.
Removing Single Use Plastics
We've taken steps to remove single use plastics from the sailing club and achieved a Bronze Single Use Plastic Free Accreditation from the Final Straw Foundation. In addition, we don't sell plastic water bottles and volunteers wash up 5,000 mugs of tea and coffee in lieu of disposable cups during Junior Week.
Environmental Awareness
We highlight the importance of looking after our local environment during Junior Week, run beach cleans and we have hosted several environmentally-focused talks in our Bosham Reach series, hearing from organisations such as Chichester Harbour Conservancy, Chichester Trust and UK Harvest.
Water Quality
We have a Water Quality Officer, who is coordinating research, as part of a citizen science project, to test the water quality in Chichester Harbour. BSC and other clubs in the harbour have collected over 250 samples of water for testing for various chemicals (human pharmaceuticals and agricultural pesticides) and bacteria.
Mill Wheel Restoration Project
Volunteers have been looking into the feasibility of restoring the mill wheel and/or a micro-hydro power project.
What can our members do to help?
Please use the below resources to help support the club's sustainability aims.
Pressures on the Harbour: you can learn about the pressures on the harbour via Chapron, an organisation working to protect, enhance and drive recovery of the natural environment in Chichester Harbour.
How to minimise the impact of human behaviour on birds: Steer clear of shorelines as much as possible where birds and seals are breeding, resting and feeding. Learn more - Enjoy Paddlesports and Protect the Environment.
Solent Seal Code of Conduct: Tips on how to see the harbour seals responsibly - Solent Seal Code of Conduct
Find out about the pressures on Chichester Harbour's birdlife:
Decline of bird life in Chichester Harbour
Use the RYA's resources to become a sustainable boater:
RYA The Green Blue: You and Your Boat (engine efficiency, anchoring advice and more)
Other organisations of interest:
Chichester Harbour Conservancy
Last updated 15:13 on 18 December 2024