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Home / Lottery / Valid Lottery Numbers & Winners

Valid Lottery Numbers & Winners

The September lottery will be drawn October 11th:

  • 1st prize £99.36
  • 2nd prize £66.24
  • 3rd prize £33.12

Prize winners will be announced here and in the BSC newsletter.

Valid lottery ticket numbers for Sept 2024 (draw October 11th, 2024)
1 x 61 91 121 151
2 32 62 92 122 152
3 33 63 93 123 x
4 34 64 94 124 154
5 35 x x 125 155
6 36 x 96 x x
7 37 67 97 127 x
8 38 68 98 128 158
x 39 69 99 x 159
10 x 70 100 130 160
11 41 71 101 131 161
12 42 72 102 132 162
13 43 x 103 133 163
x 44 74 104 134 x
15 45 75 105 x 165
16 46 76 106 136 166
17 47 x x x 167
18 48 78 108 x x
19 49 79 x 139 x
20 50 80 110 140 170
21 x 81 111 x x
x 52 82 112 x
23 53 83 113 143
x 54 84 114 144
25 55 85 115 145
26 56 86 116 146
27 x 87 117 147
28 58 x 118 148
x 59 89 119 x
30 60 90 120 x

Winners 2022: there would be normally be 40 winners per year. In 2022, the August bank muddle resulted in a draw being missed.

1 Jan Colgate x 61 Hattie Kent 91 Alistair Boyd 121 151
2 Barry Colgate 32 62 92 122 Carol Findlay 152
x 33 63 93 123 x
4 34 64 94 Gill Craig x 154 Peter Nicholson x 2
5 35 x x 125 155
6 Rennie Wells 36 x 96 x x
7 37 67 97 127 x
8 38 68 98 128 Lachy McKenzie 158 Eben Foggitt
9 39 69 99 x 159
10 Prim Hoult x 70 100 Roger Faulkes 130 Olivia Fox 160 Ruth McKeand
11 41 71 101 131 161
12 42 72 102 Ginny Kidd 132 162
13 43 73 Liz Adams 103 133 163
14 44 74 104 134 x
15 Andrew Young 45 Peter Lacey 75 105 135 165
16 46 Wyndham Haswell 76 106 136 166
17 Mike Whittle 47 77 Anna Perkins 107 Dan Knottenbelt 137 167
18 Bill Lee 48 78 108 x x
19 49 79 x 139 Sue Ross x
20 50 Liz Adams 80 110 140 170
21 David Williams 51 81 Mike Storey x 141 171 Robin Tillett
22 52 82 112 x
23 53 83 113 143
x 54 84 Tom Reid x 144 Izzie Lee
25 Jennie Hallett 55 85 Jan Copsey x 145
26 56 86 116 Chris Gallagher 146
27 Tony Hows 57 87 117 147
28 58 88 118 148
29 59 89 119 149 Valerie Brown x 2
30 Alistair Seaton 60 90 120 150

Last updated 10:22 on 2 October 2024

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