Dinghy and dayboat cruising - Getting started
The objective of every cruise is to complete it safely (and enjoyably!). This requires a sound, well equipped, sea-worthy boat, the right personal gear, a clear understanding of the weather and tides, and of the crew's experience and capabilities.
Most of us pick all this up a bit at a time as we tackle progressively more challenging adventures. Thankfully, in Chichester Harbour there is a range of options, and venturing out alone can be pretty straightforward, even for the relatively novice crew.
Guidance is on hand, via the Club's RYA accredited Sailing and Powerboat courses, which even experienced sailors find valuable. Complementing these and to help you build up your confidence, the Club is running a series of patrol-craft supported 'Get Afloat in Safety' days plus a social sailing trip to East Head.
Last updated 15:13 on 18 December 2024