RYA Adult Dinghy Level 3: Better Sailing
Improve your sailing, consolidate skills and try new ones in a variety of conditions. The course offers coaching to develop the skills learned during Level 1 - Start Sailing, and Level 2 - Basic Skills, including crewing and helming. Short taster sessions from the advanced modules such as Day Sailing and Seamanship Skills are incorporated. This course is taught double-handed in the club Bahias.
Tuition will be from a qualified RYA instructor with a maximum nine students per instructor. Teaching takes place on the water, using club boats, and in the classroom. The precise schedule will depend on the group, the tide/weather conditions and the requirements of the curriculum.
We always aim to cover the full RYA syllabus for each level, but this can be weather and skill dependant. For each level there is a checklist that participants must achieve before they can pass. This is available in the RYA publication G4 - National Sailing Scheme Syllabus and Logbook. This is available free to Level 1 students, or available to buy from BSC here.
Entry requirements: Participants should have sailing skills and knowledge to the standard of RYA Adult Level 2 Basic Skills.
Minimum age: 16
Cost: £150 (members), £200 (non-members)
For more information see this RYA webpage
Last updated 9:09pm on 14 February 2025