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Home / News / Nurdling on New Year's day
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Nurdling on New Year's day

Published 13:06 on 20 Dec 2023

Nurdling on New Year's day

After a long winning spell Bosham SC is looking to reverse last year's ill-deserved and last throw defeat to Itchenor SC.

Meet New Year's day at 10:45 for an 11:00 AM start at the Hare and Hounds pub in Stoughton, PO18 9JQ. All families and ages are enormously welcome to join in (though be aware that it is a contact sport that can make rugby look genteel).

The route: The teams run/walk at a fair lick up Cardiac Hill (165m vertical ascent) then along the top of the ridge passing the Devil's Humps tumuli above Kingley Vale, and finally down Monarch's Way back towards the Hare and Hounds (c.4.5km in total).

Spectators: A good vantage point is to pre-position yourselves at the Devil's Humps tumuli which the teams will pass roughly halfway round. You can cheer them on and perhaps bring some liquid encouragement to fortify players at half time.

Kit needed to play:

Bring either a lightweight smallish bin lid (known as a Fender) for flicking or making safe the nurdles (a 'monkey's fist' with a rope tether which resembles a comet when thrown), or a large wooden spoon whipped to a broom handle (known as a Grouter), which is used for flicking our nurdle back into play. There is always a shortage of fenders so do bring one if you can.

Dress: Anything goes. Think cross country meets rugby with a festive twist. A grade A grouter will need to climb trees, jump hedges and dive into bramble patches. Bleed for BSC with pride!

The BSC Bar will be open on New Year's day from 12:00 to 16:00!

Last updated 11:51 on 12 March 2024

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