BSC Newsletter 9th August 2023
Published 08:49 on 10 Aug 2023
Finn Taster Session this Saturday!
Taster session (12th) for members interested in sailing a Finn. See details here. Trial boats provided by the Finn Fleet.
Meet on terrace at 08:30 for rigging session followed by a coached on the water session and follow up/Q&A.
ISC Regatta 19th August
After the poor weather of the last few weeks, everyone is probably itching to get in as much racing as possible!
The fabulous Itchenor Regatta is coming up on 19th August.
Please sign up here if you can for what is always a great event.
BSC 50/50 Lottery
The July lottery will be drawn at the club hopefully on a sunny busy terrace on Friday August 11th at 19.30.
Good luck everyone!
To see full details of what the lottery involves and to join up, please see here.
BSC 'BBQ on the terrace' this Sunday!
Why not come along this Sunday 13th August for another delicious BBQ, held on the sailing club terrace.
Serving from midday, no need to pre book just come along and enjoy with your fellow members!
Bosham Reach Talk - 16th August
Cruising in Raja Ampat
Richard & Isabel Winter of SV Soko, will be giving the next BSC Bosham Reach Talk, on the 16th August.
To book your free ticket and see more details please see here.
Prizes to be won this Friday!
This coming Friday will see the opportunity to buy raffle tickets to help raise £84,000 for state of the art laparoscopic operating equipment at St Richard's Hospital.
On the evening of the 11th August, Nicky Chapple & Maxine Reed will be on the terrace selling tickets. More info here.
Last updated 11:51 on 12 March 2024