Dainty the Sunbeam - 17th year of competing in France.
Published 11:01 on 18 Oct 2023
Peter Nicholson and team drove his Sunbeam across France in late September to compete under the Bosham burgee in Les Regattes Royales in Cannes and Les Voiles de St Tropez.
Dainty is of course a great favourite with the French who think it is quite a feat to drive all that way every year. (3 days each way).
There was very little wind and the courses prohibitively long for a little boat in a big boat world. When the sea breeze switched off at 6 pm. this sometimes left Dainty struggling to finish inside the time limit.
Dainty finished 3rd in her class in Cannes.
Crew: Peter Nicholson BSC, Christine Graves BSC, David Giffard ESC.
Last updated 11:51 on 12 March 2024