BSC Newsletter 13th March 2024
Published 11:02 on 13 Mar 2024
Finn Class Training
Saturday 9th March saw a brisk east sou' easter as seven BSC Finn helms readied their boats for a session with Cameron Tweedle, a many time Finn champion and former member of the GBR racing team.
See the news article on the BSC website here.
Six Nations - final games this Saturday!
Come down and get involved in the excitement this Saturday in the Clubhouse.
Ireland v Scotland at 16:45 and France v England at 20:00. Light food available, game on the big screen with the bar being open throughout!
Great British Spring clean at BSC
This Saturday 16th March at 10:00 we will be having a litter pick in participation with the Keep Britain Tidy initiative.
Bring some gloves, suitable clothing and a litter picker (if you have one!). Hot chocolate to follow! Let us know you are coming here.
RYS Commodore's Invitational Regatta
BSC has once again been invited to enter a team for this year's regatta (1 - 3 July) at the Royal Yacht Squadron.
This exciting event brings together yacht clubs from around the country for racing in a fleet of J70s. Please contact the Commodore here if interested.
BSC Youth Sailing Fund wants your items!
Clearing out in readiness for the sailing season? The BSC Boat Jumble will be held on Saturday 20th April at the Club from 10:00 - 14:00!
All proceeds will go to the YSF. See more details in the news article here. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity.
Image Copyright @ Bosham Gallery
BSC Mill Wheel Project
Earlier this month a small team of volunteers carried out some essential restoration work to the trestle supporting the axle of the small mill wheel under the club.
For full details on the project and next steps, follow this link to the full news article.
You can thank the Commodore
The following 50/50 Lottery ticket holders can thank Commodore Richard and Laura for spinning the barrel so smoothly.
Barry Bonus - David Williams
Monthly Winners - Rebecca Mayhew, Anne-Marie Hill and Jo Lorimer-Green
BSC Dinghy Park
It is great to see boats coming back to the dinghy park in time for the sailing season.
It still remains very wet in there so please keep cars off the grass by unhitching boats on the hard area and walking them down to your space. Thankyou.
Last updated 15:12 on 18 December 2024